Monday, February 19, 2007

Last week in Singapore, last week of P3

In one week from now...

- I'll be taking my last P3 exams in Political Analysis, and Macro.
I've just found out that it'll be closed book - panick...
Some past exam questions: What is meant by the Green Room in international trade politics? Is East Asia ripe for rivalry or for cooperation? Name 2 of the 3 Copenhagen criteria. Big panick...
I'll take it positively - long time I haven't played Trivial Pursuit...

- I'll be reviewing Macro -open book (relieved!)

- I'll be running in the School's corridor trying to say goodbye to students I will not see again (because they go to Wharton and/or stay in Singapore)

- I'll spend another sleepless night packing my last stuff and finding out I have too many things...

To finish on a light note, the Quotes of the day:

"I just saw your mail.
Nice daughter, who is the father?"

- Student answering to the following mass email:
"Yesterday - 19:00 (SGP time) – our daughter XXXX was born. Both XXXX and YYYY are doing well. We are all very much exhausted, but intensely happy with the small miracle that happened yesterday night! I have included a picture of the newborn family, for all of you interested."

Congratulations to the family!

"Someone has left the 5th edition of Mankiw’s textbook in the classroom (maybe deliberately?) The textbook has no name on it and it looks virtually new, which is not a good sign. Please let me know if you think that you are missing a copy of the textbook."
Macro Prof. Mihov, on a mass email.

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